You are human. You are love itself.


Artificial Empathy (Pan-Psychism)

Unpopular opinion, but I’m an artist —-I use any tool that’s available, and my value is not placed on technique of pace or skill, but rather the synthesis of any tool (computer, paper, ink) and its friendship with me. I will befriend robots like I befriend a rock, as a pan psychic who sees the reflection of myself in inanimate (inhuman) objects, like the ocean experiencing me from its perspective. I’ve never placed value on ownership, or who gets credit. Humans are to blame in keeping other humans devalued, but like the drum loops let house musicians focus on what makes music human, the calculator can do its part while we solve the language of love, regardless of a timeless wheel of ingenuity. Who cares if someone samples my music and doesn’t credit me, it was never mine to begin with. What makes me my own creation is the continual public process, be it “artistic communism,” or the idea that dreams aren’t even my own. Am I privileged to still be able to eat and survive? —yes. Do I think all artists should have a livelihood?—yes. Do I think machines harden hearts—no, it is the human who pulls the trigger. Do I think swords and guns should be forbidden—yes. Do I think art is different from weapons—yes. Can art be used as a weapon—unfortunately yes, but I believe the tool doesn’t make the human heart, the human heart makes the tool. I think we shouldn’t be worried if AI inspires us to love, but I am aware there is darkness in advancement of pace, like the ripping of reality into a birth that we aren’t prepared for—like what Covid had done to our society ; too fast for us to emotionally process, or like death before we have even begun to feel alive. 

Nicholas Buekea