You are human. You are love itself.

Super Portland RPG


Multipple Titles:

The cat leapt back, still afraid of splitting its mind in the mirror.

The ocean kept weeping,

It was prolific and gorgeous;

Infinitely wept wayward beneath the stars of her fragrance was a ghost


1.The world may be an oyster, mother

But I love my slippery ivory set neatly upon the frontal

And daringly cordial mantlepiece


2.Bravery was a ghost standing still

Even after all was lost and forever misplaced

Like leaping to conclusions


3.And then and there a baby was born

The mystery of keeping time balanced

A flame of forgiveness for we flattered each other’s blossoms entirely!




Eagle eyeing the utter apology of my unprofessional boundary, quandaries of sisterhood! With enveloped lips still standing,


Yet blushing no more.

No more would there be wooden threats of swordful verbiage camoflouged in subliminal fringeful, cries----This time, I would be the waitor on time!






DNA: For dinosaurs 


4 dinosaurs sat in lingering motion just dangling from the abysmal slang-----


It comodulated fear into mixed hiccups of forgetfulness----drunk from the love of itself enveloped in opaque friends, made of wax---


So very lovingly-

Perhaps it will start then?


Yes, please-


And so the story goes




Super Portland RPG

Legend of the 7 Bridges (2049) Twenty Forty-Nine


 It’s people

All in a row, it’s going to end with a line of people, all standing,

Yet still waving motioning, forever’ s gone going inward toward the sail of every toe still wiggling , quieter than the message of her little ears still delighting in the pool of my silence


Intro to Hudson 

Hudson wakes up inside a hammock underneath the Burnside Bridge. Next to him is his dog, the best friend he has known since he first formed memories. 


Time to go get a ring for Heather! 

They sneak under the fence and enter the Rose Fair. They play lots of games and earn enough money for a ring.


 “Well Saturn, tomorrow is the big day. I’ve finally got a ring to give her.”

Ruff! Yep, Hudson. You’ve got this! Ruff!


They go to sleep 


Story Box


Hudson wakes up and his dog is missing. Rex (who you’ll hear about later) is mistaken for the dog thief, when Hudson sees him at the Rose Fair selling the dog’s collar…..



Hudson: Thought bubble---“That’s Saturn’s collar!”


H “Hey, that’s my dog’s collar! Where is he!?”


Sailor Rex: “I found this on my walk through Bottomless Alleyway, lots of bottles to choose from down that alley, ye know what I mean!? Lots to take the pain away from me back, ye’ know!?”


H: Where is Saturn!? 


R: I didn’t see no goat,


H: Dog…..


R: I didn’t see no dog neither.


H: Well then why do you have his collar?


R: Like I said, I was walking around forgetting me pain in me back, when I turned my gaze to the ground to check me feet, when I found amongst a table full of bottles, this here shiny necklace. Which so happens to be mine, regardless of ye falsifications!


H: Well could you please help me find Saturn, you can keep the collar if you help me. It’s worth 700 watts. 



Keep the collar? It’s already mine! 


I’m not leaving until you tell me where you found Saturn’s collar. This can end in a fight if you want it that way, but I’d rather spare my knuckles from getting bloody, against your chin. 


You’d dare sprawl with this ‘ol sailor? Hmmf----I’ve lost enough of me teeth, I can lose another, no big deal. Go on, be gone.


What’s wrong?? Awwwweee, are you in awe?


I’m warning you, kid,




Like, lightning----?




I crashed with thoughts of her love trickling down every inch like a worm to the portal of my disguise, kempt as a man who had yet to dance with the flame of dreamy beginnings, outward like a fallen lover’s quarrel dangling from the tree of perfection, echoing the chamber of ghostly chasms sounding as organs to heaven’s sinister touch, like frozen flame, all over the beast, the creature named demon, clothed in cladded sonar spines, met with a clank and a spanking, like heels dressed for the perfection equation of a distance met.




Well then,.. a bet!




You’re the kind that plays cards, don’t you? 


Cards eh? Fortune runs through me veins like the emptiness runs through my grin. What kind of a bet are you speakin of? What do I win?


I’ll give you this if you win [Hudson pulls out the ring he was planning to give Heather]



[They play and Hudson wins] 

[Rex isn’t keeping up on his end of the bet]-


So what, you win…I’m still not taking you.


What!? Why I oughta!......


(Hudson steps back to think….)


Hudson: What about your back!? I know how to fix it!


R- How would you know!?


H- I’m a master of dark potions, I learned from my family how to keep the pain away.


R- Lies,


I’m not lying. Would you like to try a sample?


Give it here!


(Rex gurgles the bottlette)


OOOOOOOO!!! MEeee Back! I feel like a kid on valentine’s day! Yipppyyyyy!!!!


Rex begins to dance for a while…


Rex: Arrrrgghhhh!!! Ouch. Hey, what happened, the pain is back!!


Hud: Like I said ol’ mouthing fractal, I ain’t giving you the real cure les you lead me to the spot.


R: I’ll take you to the place, then, you (murmuring)…. Son’a bitch…..



They go to the Bottomless Alleyway and find a business card dropped on the ground. First the collar, now this, maybe it’s a lead. It says the MG Arcade (on the back- “Retro”. 


R: You see here. This is where I found my shiny necklace.



H: Hey that’s where my girlfriend Heather works. Let’s stop by her work. 





Heather sees Hudson


Hudson- Hey babe. 


Heather): Hudson, what took you so long? We need to get Saturn!


What!? You know??


Yes, they want to use Saturn for their factory project. It’s disgusting, you have to stop them!


Whoa whoah whoah, slow down, slow it way down. Factory project?


Yeah—Hudson, I tried calling you. Don’t you ever check your phone? I saw my dad’s goon taking Saturn away in a Black Mini-Van. Like the European mini. Except, this one was extra small, maybe like the kind that fits 2 people max, a two seata ya know whaduai mean?


Yeah, I catch your drift, the van was small, and what about Saturn, come on Heather, please just the important details…!


Ok, well I woulda told you if you didn’t interrupt me. I was taking my smoke break and saw my dad’s goons talkin to one of the other goons, bout how they’ve been collecting animals of all sorts and furs. Turns out they’re using animal fur to make their products. 


They’re gonna cut Saturn’s Hair!!!!? NOO, I won’t let that happen. Your dad, the Mud Boss is in on it, Heather!? I can’t believe this…. MY own girl’s pops, ayaiai …. Sigh….----huhhhhuuuuuuuhgghh


Heather. I need to Talk to your dad. 


He’ll kill you!


Maybe…but I can’t let that happen to Saturn.


I’m coming with you then!




They make their way to the MG HQ. There they come across some of the corporate security bots, but one of them doesn’t fit in.


Buster (Robot) : Security Breach!!!


Heather--- hey I’m the Boss’s Daughter! Slow it robo.


















Bots together: “The law will now be enforced upon you!”


It’s 3 bots versus the party (including Buster, who almost seems like he doesn’t want to be fighting)



The bots do a forced win with robust tactics---you’re meant to lose the fight, it’s part of the game.


Security Bots--- Into the dungeon you go!!!!




Upon being jailed, Rex is a good lock pick and frees the party, but here’s how-




                        Heather- well this sucks.


Rex---- Say, I’ve got a question.

Question-Will time lock love?



Rex Holds up his hand and calls it Frodelltonsworth, as he mouths a response with his fingers chomping:

“Lesson on asking:

May I get the hand of time?

Can I please acquire more time?

Will we have time to discuss matters of time?

May I question the motion

            Transition- Rex holds up his other hand, and proceeds to mouth a response with his fingers.

Left hand: “Awakened by moments of dreams left unbuttoned and free---"

Right Hand: “Echo- The gravity of time and the fateful attraction of being in this castle just waiting for

the prince to save me from my humble abode, this palace of riddled drums beating at my arms,




Left hand: “Response- The eye is in the key”


Rex turns blue for a moment; He’d been eating at the hands of time for longer than the pain in his back, yet here he saw a love between Hudson and his dog, that he’d stopped to actually think about his possessive ways. He’d been clinging so hard to the cradle of his imagination, but he saw something in Hudson’s demeanor. He handed his key over to Hudson, who’d seem to not be surprised.


“Hudson, I….”

“Yeah, rex?

I have to tell you something. It’s about Saturn…

I’m the one who stole him and gave him to the MG CO.

Hudson’s demeanor is unchanged: “I know”

Rex: “what? What do you mean?

H: “You’re not after the cure for your back. It’s fine.”

R: “Ouch! My back!”

“Please, Rex, I know. You’re an old monk sailor. My father told me of your ways.”

R: What gave?

H: That seal on your left hand. My father used to draw it on his compass. You’re not after the cure, your after more money. You greedy pig.

R: Greedy, I may be. And Piggish even. But by the tone of your voice, I think you think lowly of me. Well let me do a little bit of exposition on the matters of my selfish nature. I was cast out from the monk kingdom, the day I decided that love was more important. You think you know why I’m coming all this way with you?

Hudson looks Rex dead in the eye.

R: It’s because I need you to talk to MG Co King Muds. He is your only way forward out of this boring life of yours. All you do is sit around and romance a proposal that you believe will make you happy. What makes happiness exist?

Hudson- How dare you!

Do not let your emotions cloud your judgement, You are in love, but not with Heather.

Hudson- Wrong!

Heather- What’s he talking about, Hudson?


You are in love for the same quest I am. You thirst for adventure from the perfect---


I love Heather, you pig! I knew you were greedy, but to say that you understand my love for Heather?

Heather, I love you.


Rex- I didn’t say you don’t love her in only ways that you know. I am saying that you love another. You thirst for another and there is no escaping it. You want to know why I chose to leave my Kingdom. It is the same reason you chose to play your cards,

For adventure,

For mystery,

And perhaps we can have a little fun on the way?? (Rex gestures a dark potion down the hatch)

Heather: Oh, you little, conniving, incoherent, babbling, selfish, rotten gummed, fortuneless, dread ridden, disgusting, incapable, full of deceit criminal, two timing, backstabbing---!!


Hudson: heather, please…Rex. Sigh. You may be greedy, but I’m only letting you stick around because I need you.

Rex: you need me like magnetic north.

Hudson opens the locked door, but before-gives Heather a kiss. And says “ To unlock time, you gotta be yourself!”





Upon the escape, Buster finds out right away, but delays alerting security….he has an existential awakening and joins the party with some Hudson smooth talk and genuine love, as follows,



Buster: How did you escape!


OH no, not good.


Hudson- hold it, Robo, I sense a purpose in you!


Buster: Purpose? My sole purpose is to alert the systems of intruders, I must alert!


Hudson: Wait!


I know you don’t want to do things at times. I know you are more than a program!


Buster: Not True! I am a Robot! I am a singular motion toward obedience!


Then why are we in disagreement? I am your authority!


Buster: What!? I have only one master, and that is MG Corp! I will alert the securities.


Wait, wait-----ok, I don’t own you, I’m not your master----but you shouldn’t obey every order without thinking things through. Even you feel the pressure to perform as expected. Even you wonder how the apple falls when thrown into the sky,


What’s your point?


I’m saying that if you followed something to the extreme, then the apple might exit orbit?


What the???? Error, not understanding strange analogy. What is this thought pattern, I have never come across such absurdity almost as entropic as randomness itself. Is this the creation of altered trajectory, the thing they theorized about in my Ph8000 Processor (the philosophically-bound operating chip).


I finally found someone crazy enough to not crack my code.


So are you in?


Just for as long as it takes to understand your strange ways.


Buster joins party!





Character Roster:




            From a long line of gypsy voyagers, but most people just see the homeless man. His drive and motives are a mystery even to himself, as he’s put to the test of the 7 Bridges to uncover the deeper meaning of life, and maybe marry his pseudo-girlfriend, Heather in the process. Life for Hudson is a constant balance between yielding to the flow, the Wu Wei, following the unfolding stream of consciousness birthed from the curious dreamworld itself---and on the other hand, resisting these urging forces through exerting his own force, (Yin-yang). 


While it’s hard to resist deep pulls, he’s been working to navigate the dreams, to not let them overpower him. He once met his micro-dimensional self after traveling too far into the Void of the Lost. There he came upon himself----and there was great danger. He was forced to make a choice, to follow himself further into the Void of the Lost, or to turn back and never have the opportunity again. 


He chose to follow his micro-dimensional self, as he trusted himself to be unable to betray his own self, after all was him, just in a different dimension. It was one of his biggest mistakes, however. We don’t know what happened after he chose to follow his self deeper into the Void of the Lost, but somewhere along the journey, the dreams of others overtook his soul completely, ripping him of identity, as his true form was shattered across Portland, among 7 bridges. 



Lesson-----defeats purpose through copying,


Hudson is reminded of his lost self after encountering an old card game from his childhood. 



Power: Dark Potions


He’s been known to dip into psychosis and go into Hermetic Discourse, a hallucinatory experience, where he loses control of his body. While in total chaos in this dimension, he is able to dissociate from his conscious self, and operate within the dream world, the place connected to the subconscious (both for enemies and friends). He is able to dive into characters’ motives in this way, yet he still is unclear about his own, because of the inability to survive the Dream World’s deepest depths---the Schizochasm. ]Psycho Cosm[


Journey is the cure for God mode syndrome Mysterious continual mystery ---no god of prediction----fate and luck 





Gamer. Bisexual. Singer, Hudson’s love. She met Hudson in the public library. They are both huge nerds (about the topic_____        ). She likes all the things retro-----She doesn’t necessarily fall for Hudson back. She wants to travel outside of China Town, and see the great Rose Gardens, as well as the legendary Saint Johns Bridge. 


Hudson’s diary about Heather---


She is beautiful, but she is still only 24. She is too young. I think I’m just horny.


Heather knows Hudson has a pervy side, but she isn’t bothered by it. He’s never actually tried anything weird without asking. And she’s said no every time. (They’re friends, and it’s not that weird that he keeps trying, since she did kiss him the first time they met. How’d that happen!?) 


Somewhere along the journey, Heather and (especially Hudson) come to terms with the fact that they are just good friends, but continue the journey together as there is a more important and urgent Portland that needs saving FROM____________evil earthquake plate tectonics 



Power: plays seductive flute, able to charm silly lovers who wear their hearts on their sleeves 




Old hippie ex-convict, with charges pertaining to old legalization laws that have since been ratified. Rex is very knowledgeable about thievery and lock picking. He is somewhere between 66-88 years old, depending on what he feels like. He has a back problem.


Power: Thief, locksmith




Cool transgender barista who comes from very well to do family, but she somehow isn’t spoiled. 



Power: healing drinks 


(Hibiscus Cloaking drink- allows for limited hiding duration 




Chess player with high IQ. Banned from tournaments because he is a robot. They think he’s cheating---he thinks he is just as human as his peers, and that he deserves a spot in the tournament, like everyone else. 



Saturn(Hudson’s Friend dog)


Saturn is a mystery breed (FOr people who (Boring! Care about pigeon holing an animal “breed”. He is so much more than a dog. He is as cool as a cat. As hip as a ‘gator. As befriending as a chimp.


  • playable during dog dungeons ( see Party Specific Areas ) 


Scorpiotarrius-Rocko Z credited 


I can tell that something is on your mind, friend. I assure you that the rhythm of the cosmos will perform as is orchestrated by the pulse, 


the rhythmic dance of---love, in the end, 


Though this path, 

Will not be without challenge, 

As it is to be….


perhaps acquainted with other qualms and cataclysms,


such is the course of this wave, yes---all for love. 


You can prolong the eventual death of it all, atop a triumphant discovery. ---or----  pooof and begone, as the rest of the people on this planet forget what the thing called love even is. The earth quakes as does this heart of yours. To find for whom’ is a way towards legend. And Legends, as we know, are where…


Are where….


I’m sorry, I seem to be forgetting someplace. Hudson, perhaps you will discover this land I cannot remember….


Thank you.


[Hudson] Ahhh, it was nothing. 


[Scorp] Thank you Hudson. I trust you will find it in you. 





Back to Story Box continued …..


Encounter with Mud Boss


Baaahahaaha! You want what!? Argghhhaaahhhabaaba! The answer- is , NO!




Damnit, murmur---What do I have to do to get my dog back. 

YOu. You can get me my lambs back. They have been missing since those shiny lights kept coming in and out. I want my lambs, because these children have dreams, Hudson! And to them, I am Santa, Clause---the one to provide the doll with star dust and spirit----and without lambs, we have no wooly fur to make these doll mustaches come alive! And whom of us children needeth dolls missing mustaches!??? BAaaaaahaaaaahaaaaaaaha!

Darnit, Mud Boss----so wha8t if I told you I could get your sheep back. So what if I also told you that I’ll be needing Saturn in order to do it, with, all of their hair. Ya-Hou know?

Hmmmm…..I understand what You are suggesting. The price of one doll mustache momentarily, or my whole fortune if I can wait….Hmmmm.. Very interesting. Hudson. Let’s wait on it….Ok, Deal. Just don’t leave us both manqué (pronounced I think Mon-Key) in the end.

Saturn, the dog joins party-* 


Hudson thinks to himself. 

Why are all the lambs missing? Think Hudson, think!

Lambs,……hmmmm….lambs……lambs………..hmmmmm……..lambs…..zzz……….HMphhhh…llaammbbss…..zzzz…..I’m getting so tired thinking about it….

Saturn, I’ll need your nose. Can you follow the scent of lamb?

Ruff! Oh, I know lamb odor! Ruff!



Saturn’s nose leads them to the speakeasy chess café. It’s locked, but the dog is able to go under the hole in the fence to find a secret lever, after sneaking past the guards.

They enter the café.

All the chess folk question why Hudson is inside.

            “How’d this guy get in the club?”

            “Look at this rookie..”

            “Guy wouldn’t know a knight in plain day!”


Hudson speaks up.

“Have any of you seen any sheep around?”

            Go fuck yourself.

            Sheep? What would I do with a sheep?

            This table is for chess masters only. We don’t talk to rookies.


Buster, here plays chess.

No robots allowed!

Buster—Hey! What makes me any different!?

For one, you haven’t even got a heart.

No heart, no chess. Plain and simple.


            Buster speaks: 

They’re….right.. I’ve not a heart.

Thank you for awakening me back there Hudson, but I’m afraid my exitance is futile. This skin I’m in, they are right, I am without—a heart. 

This heartless vessel of mine----I am without a striking melancholic pulse through my terraform…….I am incomplete , unfinished.

My metallic veneer— it is filled with doubts, 

`````````` Why is robot skin different from human skin

Don’t’ worry Buster---you’re my friend.

Heather—Hey! I know where we can find you a heart Buster. Most people lose theirs at the Stripper Saint Cathedral. All we need to do is convince one of the saints to give you one.

Heather----Your heart must be made proper with the prayers of those saints-------


Hudson: Truly------Buster didn’t just awaken into this dimension to partake in mortal delights? Well, so be it, you lucky man, Buster. 


[Buster murmurs to himself, only ever so audibly to Hudson’s well-trained ear: “How I linger in longing for the same touch as those human hands…made with a real death core.”]


Hudson: We want what we can’t have, Buster. Trust me, if I could live forever---I would. And supposing I don’t ya know? 


Buster: Well said Hudson!

Hudson: Sure, Ok. Let’s get you to the Stripper Saint Cathedral.

~About to enter the Stripper Saint Cathedral

You got this Buster. ---- I have entrusted you with the ghost`love. Now go forth and become one with desire--- 

I understand. I will be careful Hudson---

Stripper Sain Cathedral is known give people the creeps=

St- Hello, come to me my favorable one, do with me what you will, I am your perfect mirror.

Buster: Oh, well…err,…I thought we could talk actually. I’ve been having all of these thoughts that just don’t seem to belong to me. Like a dream that isn’t  mine. It’s a strange dream. I met this black cat next to my parents’ old bed.


Why I had parents was beyond me. I forgot that I had slept in it from time to time, and here it was abandoned, without any use, just needling its way through old tethered and parted tales, meant to coexist alongside, amongst, within, around, and somewhat still without each other. Forever one with the dream, yet-----Somehow never quite the whole story------


Stripper Saint- Who would ever want to be the whole story. Did Jesus ever ask what eternity was in the moment of a human memory enlightened?


Buster: I think….But what does Jesus have to do with me? I think a lot about a lot of things. And sometimes in complete connection to the randomness of what is flowing through old wisdom about a young man written ‘bout a young man, forgetting his divinity in pursuit of some nun.


Then why don’t you touch me.



Buster gets laid. 

What is this imaginative resemblance of a delicate star, this eternal beam of rippling watery graves ----Is this love? 

Your heart is now full Mr. Robot. I hope it will aid you on your quest. You may need it in times where logic is forbidden. Riddled across this distant dream lies your ancestral core.



They go back to the café-----

Hudson: I j need you to win Buster. 


I always win.


Buster plays the chess tournament.

He works up his ranks in the bracket. 



Opponent- “The green guy from yesterday taught me this opening…”


Buster analyzes the opening; it’s of arcane symmetry.

“This can’t be happening…”


Opponent: Check.


Buster: Not good, not good. 

Opponent: Check Mate.


 Buster freezes.



Slowly, Hudson’s been piecing together the information of what’s been happening.


Buster slouches, defeated at the sole game of his purpose, chess. He is almost in tears.


Buster: “I have failed you Hudson, I lost. I lost it all.”


Don’t worry about it, Buster. Listen, I figured it out while you were playing.


So you’re telling me, aliens have been visiting the café to trade smuggled lambs for chess knowledge? So that’s how! Interess--ting! I knew that was an archaic move back there, I’ve never lost like that. 


Yes, Buster. The aliens need the lambs for a different reason than Mud Boss. They’re using lamb brain waves to help open up the dream portal.

There’s an alien lord named Zenoid. One night when Zenoid was sleeping he woke up from a terrible dream. He’s been having terrible headache ever since. In order to get back to his dream, which he cannot seem to remember, he’s been opening up the dream portal in hopes of finding a cure for his headaches. Zenoid’s mass is so great however, that upon entering the dream world so many times, he has been throwing off the dream world’s dimensional laws themselves. 

As in gravity and stuff?

Exactly. Zenoid fears that his dimensional being will not hold up much longer, due to his massive nature. He needs someone to enter the dream portal for him, in order to regain his memory of the dream that he has forgotten. Otherwise, the headaches, like the earthquake itself, fissures and shakes, just ready to happen. 

How the hell did you piece that together Hudson? 

With my new friend Tammy. 

Tammy, meet Buster Robot.

Tammy: How do you do? J

Tammy works here. She told me all about Zenoid after she took note of my multitude of sheep related questions


I figured you were curious enough to help! You have this smile, it could soften a plot.


Why thank you Tammy!


(Heather seems a bit jealous)


Now, where were we. Yes Tammy, Zenoid. Can you take me to this leader?


Ummmm..actually, no.




I mean, I can’t just fly us to the moon.. I forgot to tell you. These aliens hang out on the moon most of the time. They only come down here occasionally to get more sheep, but Zenoid never comes. So yeah, we’d have to go get to him. 

Couldn’t we just pass along a message to one of the aliens next time they come?

Well….they sort of got mad at us last time I suggested helping. I made him one of my specialty hibiscus drinks! I thought it would cure his headache. Turned out his eyes starting buldging from his head. So yeah…




Well…I guess we’re somehow going to the moon Somehow.


Tammy: I sorta have an idea actually. I have a brother, he’s an engineer?

Yeop, an aeronautical engineer --------Trip to the moon might be in our reach afterall. BUt.

But what?

He lives in hiding, in a place already hidden, the Enchantment Forest.

This is a forest so deeply shrouded in mystery that the people who enter, are sworn into secrecy as to what goes on inside.

I bet your brother is some sort of guru there, yeah?

He could be. He could also be dead for all I know. I don’t know much about my brother other than him getting kicked out of the air academy. He sent me a couple letters the first 2 years he went into hiding, but I haven’t heard from him since.

How are we supposed to find this Enchantment Forest?

My brother said it was useless ever trying to find him. He said only the possessed or insane find themselves there. My brother was crazy, but he thought it was even crazier to fight in the War of the Telescope. 

Did anyone else know about your brother’s whereabouts?

I’m not sure. He had a wingman that was sent to the mental ward. I remember my brother sending me pictures of the two of them, smiling, dancing….kissing. 

Your brother is gay?

AS gay as a boomerang. That’s what got them kicked out.

WEll, could we track down his wingman? 

We could try the mental ward. That’s where they kept Buck those years back. Foster would have been sent to the insane asylum too had he not escaped to the Enchantment Forest. 

Let’s get to the mental ward.

War of the Telescope Newspaper Print

(A failed peace treaty manuscript)

Building the scientific telescope on spiritual land:


I realize your thirst for knowledge into the unknown. But by looking too far into the distant future, we are dismantling the pristine nature of what we already have now. We are too focused on escaping this home in search of new land, that we are forgetting the old ways of life. Construction of this device will surely see into a future, but it will be a future of our own disaster, as we are made into an extinct past.


You cannot always live in the moment. I understand you, but his device will be peaceful—no one will get hurt. It will help.


They spoke of this foolish haste in the prophecy. 


If we do nothing, surely it will be the destruction of our civilization growing too old to do anything with itself. And then it will be too late. As destruction will come in the form of not knowing how we could have prevented tragedy. 


We are our own tragedy. We are our own end. 


The prophecy may have spoken of our end, but it also spoke of a people on the moon that could save us. I don’t know about you, but I’m not just going to sit here and wait for answers. 


Then, we must part from each other.

Then it is war.


Enter Mental Ward -----

We’re looking for uhhhhhh…..Buck. Yeah, we’re his family.

Clerk-----Buck… Buck Servingsham—ah yes, here it is; room 733.


Exit Mental Ward--------

Buck said, we just attach this gizmo to the plane, and we’d be good to go. Let’s get to his Ghost Pepper and blast our butts up to the moon, yeah!







Full Rocket Propulsion!

We crash landed on the moon in someone’s plot of what looked like corn glowing purple in the night.


Are you OK?

Everyone OK?


We turned to each other in disbelief. We were finally there.


I hopped out of the cockpit and debriefed my surroundings. Out in the distance I saw a repeating glow, and the silhouette of what looked like **Z8Mf44 retrofitted turbines, but they were massive. Then I saw someone looking at me through a telescope and I ducked under the nearest boulder I could find to hide.

It was a giant green snail,

And it was singing.

Guys! Get down, hide! Don’t come out of the ship!

Then I heard it scream, almost like it was frightened, and it quickly scurried away!

“Uhhh…I guess we’re safe for now….”

            Later that night at the dinner table, with Hudson having just crash landed into a plot of farm on the (Moon). The alien from before and his friend are having a conversation about the humans.


What’s at the got dang farm Billy!

What is at the got dang Farm!!!!!



I’ll tell you if you give me a moment-

Just Relax Fred,

Take a breath---this is as all new to me as it is as all to you---


Don’t you is as all me,

I’m sorry.


So, can we agree to just relax and be pleasant at the dinner table?




Billy, please……


Please tell me Billy---

Alrighty, pipe down. You see. I found gold a while back at the farm, but that was 10 years ago! Ha!

What!!! You mean, we’ve been rich this whole time!? Why, I oughta!

Pipe it down Fred, that was a long time ago. It’s been keepin us up ever since, and it’s to be used with longevity----that’s not what I’ve been keeping secret---your uncles all know.

If greater than, what’s the secret?

I found some starfish looking creature.

What’s the deal with StarFish? They’ve got 5 legs and zero arms. What do they need so many legs for anyways?

But I don’t think this was a starfish,


I think this was human.



Hduson: How are we supposed to find Zenoid on this big pale rock?

Heather: “what if we go after that slug thing?”

“maybe, but it didn’t look too friendly…then again it screamed like a little girl”

Heather: “It screamed more like you, Hudson.”

“Sorry, it screamed like it was scared of me or something.

Rex: “well if it’s scared of you then let’s go get it and make it tell us how to get to Zenoid. We’ll scare it out of the slug, frighten it with some salt!”

“Rex, please stop”

Hudson: “Well it went in that direction, no use staying here forever”



They get to Alien Farmer’s Home

Knock, knock----


It’s the humans!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! Hide!!!!

Hello, anyone home?? Hello?

Opens door

Looks like no one is home.

(Noise from above) CRaCCCCKksh!

What was that?

Hmmm, looks like we’re not alone.

Time to find us some aliens!!


(Party looks around house and first find Fred in a closet)

Don’t hurt me!

Whoa, an alien.

Don’t eat me!

We’re not here to eat you. Can you just tell us where we can find some guy named Zenoid?

Please don’t kill me!!!! Eat Billy instead, he went into the attic!!!!


Party goes up to the attic

I reckon you Humans would come for us some day. I’m not going to let you eat us alive!!! Take this!!!


Battle breaks out!!!!!!!


You….arrggh…you win, you win. Ok, just eat me already! Sigh, I’m gonna die before I see Marlene again.

Listen! WE aren’t enemies. Just hear me out. WE’ve been looking for some guy named Zenoid so we can stop him from opening the dream portals. He’s too dimensionally massive-- it’s been causing the earth to tremble, eventually the whole ground berneath us is gonna split!

You mean, you aren’t going to eat me or Fred?


Oh, what a relief.

What’s with this guy!? Hey, where’s Zenoid!?

Our leader?

That big ol’ snail doesn’t talk to us peasants. I don’t care for that greedy slime.

Listen, we just need to talk to him.

Like I said, he doesn’t talk to farmers, builders, slaves, workers, or servants of any kind. He’s too busy screaming over the galactic radio about how he needs to find a cure for his headaches. Ever since he had some silly dream that he can’t remember the ending for. I say the hell with him, let him suffer.

If he keeps opening the dream portal, our planet is really gonna freakin split! Up!

Not my problem.

Not your problem?

If the earth goes, the moon has no one to orbit, and therefore we all go. Understand?

I don’t care,

Life is meaningless without Marlene anyway. I’m not helping you.

What if we help you?

Rex- Do you like peanuts? Are you hungry? They’re salted.

Heather- Rex, Shut up. Green guy, You said something about a girl. I’m a girl and I know love when I see it. You’re in love.


Yeah so?

So, we’ll help you.

Sigh---she hates me. It’s no use.

Listen slug,

The names Billy…

Listen Billy, anything is possible.

Hudson: yeah, Heather keeps rejecting me, but anything IS possible ;)

Heather_ Eww.

Billy, we can help.


Let a slug have some alone slime, please.

After some contemplation--- I’m going to help, but of course as most stories go, you will be needing to help me. I have a map of the dark side of the moon. If you noticed, it’s quite easy to get lost out there in the moon fields. Ever try wandering too far from those lamp posts? It’s a perpetual wasteland, with nothing but pale rock,

Like you saw back in the 1960s. It was pretty boring if you ask me.

The thing is, these astronaut humans didn’t have the map. All they saw was a desolate plane. Without knowing where you’re going, you almost wind up back in the same place you started.

This map that I speak of can get you passed the illusion.

 Zenoid lives somewhere on the dark side of the moon. It’s the only way forward.

Great, we’ll take it?

Nope. Not til you help me. The only way I am going to give you the map is if you give this letter to Marlene. She’s ., well, She’s the lady of my life.


Enter scene------I met her on one of my stations in North Dajota- back when we were still sanctioned to visit earth for leisure. I disguised myself as a human and started going to movies and stuff. Eventually I wanted to fall in love, so I ….

You pretended to be someone you weren’t.


That’s right. And that’s how I met Marlene.

You fooled her into loving you?

Not quite—you see.

She kept asking me questions about my heritage. I told her I was of Novascotian descent, and when she asked me if I had also thought of the people as kind and warm, I ----was able to play along to her false expectations.

Then what?

I -----started believing I could become human.

I was almost more human than human at times. I stumbled round corners and misplaced my car keys from time to time. I waited patiently in lines for restrooms that didn’t quite work. We even had a half alien baby named Jesus, but he’s been missing for some time.

It was the life. And then…. I told her more lies and….on and on one by one,

But, then…..she pieced everything together. I realized she was clever, but I had no idea that by the time I eventually got bored with being someone I wasn’t and confessed,


She wasn’t even surprised----

You confessed the whole truth..?

Not at first. At first I just confessed to being someone I wasn’t. I told her half truths.

You led her on-

I know.

Eventually I had to confess, Hudson. It was eating at my alien guts.

I told her I was not from her planet, and she----


What happened?

She said I should go home.

She told you to go home?


Then she said I should stay when I walked away,

But I turned and she slapped me.


And so I’m home. Living on the moon, far from the only one who ever made me happy.


The truth will set you free I’d say.


Hudson, I no longer know what Marlene will make of this letter, but I need you to give it to her on your return to Earth. Being as this farm needs lookin after---I’m afraid I cannot leave my post. If I intend to feed my neighbor for free for a day, then I’ll be needing to grow these crops nice and plentiful. Understood?


Yes, Billy. We’ll give her the letter. Can you fix our ship by the way?

That’s easy. I’ll also put the launch pad on your radar so you don’t have to keep crashing into our crops ;)



 The letter is taken to Marlene,

Marlene opens the letter

it says,





“For Hudson,

Map on back.”



They journey back to the moon, use the map to voyage the dark side of the moon, and make it to the alien lord leader: Zenoid


How did you find me?

We had some help. Listen, we didn’t just wander through the dark side of the moon to small talk.

Well, I’m impressed you made it this far. I will listen.

………explanation ensues.………

Yes, ……….

Yes……. Yes that is all true. I have been opening the dream portals in hopes of finding a cure for my headaches. You say the earth quakes? Well, my headaches quake as well and I must find peace to this fragile mind of mine.


We can help you. Unlike you, we’re not dimensionally massive. We’re just little humans. And so, we won’t be disrupting the laws of nature, and you won’t be in danger of getting dimensionally torn apart. It’s a win win, easy math.

I guess your right, and I’m also too tired to be opening these portals any more. I feel like my face is going to fall off. I’ll tell you what. I’ll give you the dream stone. These portals lie across the great land of Portland. Open each of the 7 dream portals and bring my lost dream back to me.


 I will await your return.


Super Portland RPG----Legend of the 7 Bridges


7 Bridges 


Order is important 


Steele (music area; black; metal) musicians 


Zealous return to the coldest depths of this flame---------eternal nothingness----------black, like the void of memories I have for you Hudson:


Heather: Hudson, wake up.


Rex: Is he still out?

Buster: Guys, I’m going in


Tammy: Literally, this dream is going to explOOOOOOOOOOOOOOdddddddddddddde>


Music is at the core of this pulse and the drive to continue. It is the everlasting glow from this nothingness that I have formed the beginning of a rest. I have dreamt a proper dream.


I saw myself idolized alongside the river of mountains beneath the river of suns, as the nothingness overlooked the horizon with the fate of my sound nature, as I moved faster than the pulse of desire itself,

Able to maintain a stance on conviction,

As it was written on the lips of the devil’s kiss.


And oh, did we kiss.

It almost sent me into a frenzy, like My mind was eons behind my body, colliding into her fissure, as we explored the discovery of being born out of the moment, in and against each other, fully


Heather: I love you Hudson,

I’m so glad you’re still alive












Broadway (high arts area; silver; wind) designers

Tilikum (scientific area; fire; red) lab techs

Fremont (industrial area; wood; brown) train workers 

Saint Johns (sauvie island area; blue; water still presetine)

Vista (uptown area; purple; darkness, it lies above the ghost river)

Hudson’s home bridge,Burnside (rags area; goldenrod; love)


Ross Island Morrison 







Dream Sequence -Hudson’s Lost Conversation-



How do the planets keep spinning round each other, and why is there a blue party in my discotic?


One second son,

I need more silver ink inside of this \ palace \

I need something to ooze and drip 


It's a very opaque and silvery kind of blue, not quite velvet,

Almost an aroma of opal design, a cloudy orange through the swirl of purple, and in between that and pink, and playful violet, and ultra red, then sudden Thoguh with remembrance of why it is silvery purple, that of remembrance- of silence



What is the silence under the sea



perplexing, a purple complexion ,


in this infinite balance of gravitational gazes, there exists a special place called home,

Yes son,

We are in orbit. 


Hudson: Around each other?


Mother: Around another son. 


(lesson: we are always orbiting an orbit


 Under the abys of the frictionless wave, pressure felt by the pulse of a shell----


For Hudson Only----a secret password




Island Monkey Francisco the Original Kid (dark complexion) 


                        This guy is a true hall of famer, a legend in his tribe, as he’s welcomed to engage in the tradition of combat with Hudson,


            Location: Saint Johns Bridge 










[They ingest plant]

(They talk inside the sacred hut, not one soul can hear them, nothing audible comes out)


Hudson leaves with a sacred piece of his identity. 


Flame Lantern: Sonar Lantern Sees Some sort of Wave where the Schizocasm plate tectonic seeps





Thing To go into the darkness 


Under Saint Johns  

Stripper Saint Cathedral----you fight the whole fucking house, it’s fucking crazy. It’s all of Hudson’s desires compiled into one oblique moment, made pure in ecstacy, temping as it is, Hudson has a fucking plan. He’s able to exert force again, and leave scathed, but not dying, bleeding, but never hopeless. 


7 Virtues Shadows of Inner; bridge


Silverman---uses clear crystal balls, and robotic, fluid, mechanistic motions (u’ve seen him, the guy painted in all silver with blue tinted glasses. 


Darth Vader Guy


Puzzler(the guy with the red beard, who’s often outside Powell’s. He has that crossword looking game. I actually bought a copy, we could use his puzzles, I’m sure----or I could ask and we could pay him...But yeah---we’ll use it and he might sue or something (:) Yin-yang depending how you look at it....


The Phantom Critic-

Not actually a boss, comes across like he wants to harm you


            This is the guy I’d personally like to thank for keeping me so inspired. I am gratefully humbled by his gifts.



Time Keeper-------


What’s the dreamstone 

(pocket watch)? Found in Tammy’s coffeeshop. 


            It allows Hudson to maintain control and communication, while in the dream world. Otherwise people don’t understand him and he appears crazy, as his mind is someplace other than his body. The dreamstone allows his mind to enter the dreamworld, while still in control over his body. He loses control over his body when going into the dreamworld (sort of like how Link turns into a bunny if he doesn’t have the moonstone)


            Furthermore, the bridges act as secret passageways to the other elemental dimensions (Fire, Earth, Water, Metal, Wood, Darkness, Love). You cross over the bridge into another reality. There is a gatekeeper at the entrance of each bridge. These are the ghosts of those who’ve lived in the area.


Comment---Vista Bridge; suicide and bridges, and entering into other dimensions)




You walk through a cemetery and it reads,



Neko Buka      

Died of (blank____Graphics design, music, programming, etc.)


Password or Code for one cool item of clothing material might be nice ...Or----complete 100 percent characters, ultimate code that is sworn secret----and it only gets out to players who happen to have lived past the tale of ye old code. Made sense with Samus, “Justin Bailey” swimsuit code to have super cool code, but would it be too risky in damaging the player experience, too tempting? 


Cool passwords, but never the actual code: 







Yeah ...these are all tempting codes, but not the real thing. That doesn’t happen till the end ...after you fall into one of the graves at the Credits Graveyard. The code is super fucking cool, but it’s not worth ruining the game over. 



River=flow, fishing , wu wei ---fishing in dream world to bring it back to regular world 

            The special Kudra Fish

                        This is one of the rarest fish,

            If not for its sister fish- The special Rufa Fish

                        Kudra Fish aroma- known to cause people to fall in \


            The Rufa Fish aroma- known to keep people from falling in \ 







Items-------Looking for the things among

Glasses of the mentor----revealing a truth to a sacred path that is invisible


Dream cut scene sequence, aside (due to dark potion usage----Beer


Earthquake characterized and impending doom delayed for 100 years 

What it means to worry?

Why do I worry about things, actually, I do not have much time to do such, and thus I wonder when the earthquake is going to occur…..




Gameplay Mechanics 


Overworld top down like Link to the Past, added RPG element ---


The RPG element is that you gain experience points and your stats go up. 


Stats system----

Note- Heart system (20 hearts) – you won’t be able to level up in hearts, they are acquired through various tasks and legendary feat (you can level up defense, however).


Charisma- prices drop to make purchases easier


(how Super Mario introduces both mechanics of old and new to create an appealing experience of familiar and efforted novelty (Newness)


Everything operates in a real time basis, but you go into turn based combat when facing a boss. To compensate for there being a limited number of turn based battles (limited number of bosses), most experience for the party is gained in the regular LTTP style combat with sword slashing, and for other characters, perhaps doing their own in game, real time attack, or puzzle action.  There are still hard enemies that require complex in-Real-time combat experience. The added RPG boss element is so that we can have playing cards in the future. 


Side Characters





The palace of puzzles 



            Yearnest Cummingway--

Linguistic Inspector; met in Fire (scientific) area






                        OOOHHhhuuuuu YEarnesst!

God, what is it now?


AAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhaaaaaaAAAAAm present !

Sigh ; ok.

            There is some sort of castrigual force adapting to thurnmal enigmalite signals

Its casuing us to breaAApphhhkkkkhh


WE are Turning into the retrocasm itselfff—fffffffffffffffff

I AM I am

 Party Specific Area

            Dog Dungeon 

 Why characters can never fuck on camera (on screen). It’s alluded to for sure, but all tongue-in-cheek. 









You gan go.o

You dœn ohhulways needuh old œn tight 

Yu will echo towards the

Buried Blade~~>      

This is the Blaed that reflects finite


11. Resurrection

This is the climax in which the Hero must have his final and most dangerous encounter with death. The final battle also represents something far greater than the Hero's own existence with its outcome having far-reaching consequences to his Ordinary World and the lives of those he left behind. 


If he fails, others will suffer and this not only places more weight upon his shoulders but in a movie, grips the audience so that they too feel part of the conflict and share the Hero's hopes, fears and trepidation. Ultimately the Hero will succeed, destroy his enemy and emerge from battle cleansed and reborn.





 I imagined there being more than this separate cause-----healing its eteranal way forward------if it’s a mystery you will have lofted in----it will be by accidental ghost waves 



Jusst mysteriously yearning to scfream and shooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooeeeen



 Geotheoretic converstion


Earth cycles 


Oxygen with rock geochemical 

Ocean-----pH changing -----fish dying ----primary 





The Enchantment Forest:

Finding the Sword in the Dream



Heather: What is this place?

Buster: Woah-

Tammy: Woooaw!

 Rex: Holy fuck!

Saturn: Oh, cool.

Hudson-----Am I dead?

I think I’ve been here before,

But when?

And why----

There must be something still at stake---There must be something worth remembering, but what is it?

The blade. Yes, there was a forbidden blade of darkness and light, of balancing fear and love,

There is a way,


There is a way forward-----It’s someplace-----or fuzzy, it’s all -------wait, noooo, yhess---it’s already here, the blade---

The buried blade is death itself---

Sharper and more penetrating, piercing, straight through life itself-------

This is more than a cut----

This is love

This is innocence----The one capable of entering into death of birth is innocence


What we do not remember is the gift of innocence –

Whether the tears drop-

or the smiles stop--------

There is always a fear-----------

Reverbing regrets in cycles,

I have sailed far from---------

Far from my home lies the passion I have for her----------every moment

Until I have no more breaths in my vision----------------

Am I losing a hand at fate,

Every time I deny another tear dropped


Life-examined--------------Why will I ever invest MY faith in the story of thine own creative flow?


Father------I Just came to say


Rex- Damn

Heather: NO fluffin way>

Buster: Wooooooahg



Tammy: yeah

I’m awake!











Steele (music area; black; metal) musicians 


Black Fire Dreaming


Red Ranger

Let s Rock!

Pink Ranger

AWWe yeah babe!


All systems go!


I’m just glad to be here, Thumbs up @2


Let’s keep this going



Hudson: As everything crashed around us, twenty Seven echoes rippled along the floor….(A faint whisper to a nail against the wrist, like the mortality of time itself.


The darkest depths of desire to be known and forever upheld at the peaks of passivity made sharp against the syndrome of the heat, skipped alongside the lava crevices of her keep. She is in heat. She is milking the very nature of her delicacy,

A thirst for the black gaze into the soul,

She is the black flame amongst our son.


Hudson dreams of a Black Fire


I have become one amongst the idolatries



Pink Ranger:

Red Ranger always knows best (Kissy face)



This is a flame that counts crazy, hazy in its obligation



Everything is so subliminal that the loudest hints of dashing fire make the ground shake. It slices, like the fissure,

Summoning the great demon beast of metal!!!!


Hudson: What if we split the sin and forever danced along the hellish depths, where liquid metal threads through the mind of sublimity!



SLannging fire!



King Hot Rock!!!

Just none-stop beat and beast won’t stop!


Black: ROck AWWWWWn.




Underwater Scene:


Tammy: Anytime I listen,

I stop,

you stop,

we begin to think of where the water flowed from,


Hudson: We should Drink. WE both need it.


Tammy: Listen… DOubts

Hudson: I was just wondering if we could drink….???


Tammy: Is. , Is hip hop, Is it alive?


Hudson: yes, but from a different angle, a different perspective from then and now


Tammy: What about when you see someone walk in the room and start judging them on a yes or no basis, or like when you think of them as being hot or not,

And also if you begin to examine the details , and aren’t details devilish anyways?


Hudson: Yes, Tammy, it’s all true. There is a divinity to everything from dead trees rotting along, running logs, downhill, along snow fissure avalanches to you .


There is a theme in the beauty of every shadow. Every cold has a time of want and a time of never.


What if I freeze this avalanche beyond its rushing point,

If it had been absolutely one thing of itself to the extreme still point,

Would it then be wrong?


Tammy: Shut up Hudson,

Hudson: Because I love you


Tammy: I am one.







Tammy: What does it exist for?

Hudson: That’s enough for today


Please, no…Hudson. I just meant. Why? AS in, I’m so attraactred to the unkown. It’s like a mystery. , sigh


You’ll never fully understand,

That’s the whole point. Take it too literally and it’s sharp. Like the mountain pointed at the sky,, you see----nature keeps me open


Tammy: AANd this openness is where the water flows---finnaly, I understand Hudson.


Thanks Tammy.


Cool Side note= Hudson is the same guy under the bridge who gives Link a bottle (1 of only 4) in LTTP




Flippppppy skipppp


Wavebeaam Retrowave Surf Platform Xavier



Rippled wavedś







Focused on the mistske

Ignoring the meaning

The messaged


Along the generations just addicted to independent times wehn all is insdie the slime

End Like



Dripping down the program



Learning Frœm Others




The day of wooden nature was just and kind and it sat and it found a place to chant and resign from ever falling in love so fast with the outside force of intent of what looked so just and kind at the moment, but what if we fantasized a friction of fucking and cutting and tumbling the wood, and then scorching its home for your soul to exist atop the cold bones of your haunted wooden grin. You are a duplicate of necessitate design, a furlough and a split from an atom in the delicate nature of elemental death----a carbon copy of your old self and a want to be flamed and wanted, but oh how you resonate, and vibrate, and shake, bend, and flow, with the water in all of your place of love. The wooden element wants its surroundings and I am the wind in its salol towards the day’s night. I am the wooden moon, like the trojan horse presented to the war lords. I am the wooden sword within you.


A characterization of chemistry The Tree oF Elements


The hunger grounded in my storm

Wind and wood work to tame the nature between red and blue (Fire and Water), if ever just experienced as just to opposing forces. Wood and wind are also bound by a friendship, like the water’s warmth, and the sailor’s breeze.


The nature of green and Red!


I’m so hungry I could wait and thre wiuldn’t be anything a piece of bread would do until it is in my mouth completely! I am tired of the sin of waiting for desire that is far from my reality …



Panic of the earthquake

A conversation between an MG Arcade regular and Heather!


Why try? MY life, life itself…meaningless, all will end. I’m deepest alone and depressed. I’m as sad as a watch that doesn’t work. Every goal aimed at a steady pace seems ripped in every direction, with no center, as abstract as a pattern that has found no recognition, just yearning, with my heart being pulled from this chest, just reminding me that I am missing something in life, though still somewhat thankful for not feeling worse than this, perhaps still remembering a time when things were a lot more lonely. That same feeling from before exists, but now we are surrounded by each other, and I am still somewhat lonely. I feel castrated at times from ever getting to know you. I am cursed to feel this, at times. Sad, sure, but not without knowing that it will pass. Riding the emotions all the way to the grave, to hell itself…to eventually find nothing worse, nothing more to lose, everything including my name erased from the moment. Detached is how I feel. Detached from getting to feel my addictions appeased. Fully interwoven with the acceptance of you never feeling the same I feel for you, or worse-us both feeling an emotion left unfinished. The emptiness of all that was ever left unsaid, up to the imagination---and how this imagination turns for the worst in this moment--------as I imagine what it is like to be without you, deeply….how my mind is in flux and almost wild at the odor of your pull. You have everything I miss about myself. You have a whole journey I am willing to uncover, yet I feel it is impossible to share the dread I have for myself with you. Uncovering the loneliness of never smiling in your direction, for fear of the worst. For fear of the nothingness consuming us for a time.


First of all, You need to smell the fucking flowers. I would try to console you with some soft sympathetic discourse, but that’s not what you need, Roger. You are a fucking passionate person, you need excitement and journey, the comfort of not being able to predict a future, the motion through thrills and desires, all with a  dash of safety, in a circle of friends who know you best, a place to call home. You mentioned you were getting married. I’m also getting married, and I think about other people as well from time to time. What if I ran away from it all? What if I stopped and worried, but no---as the current pulls and thrashes, I’ve let go of forced expectations, and it is truly a divine nature to feel this pull and use it for something more than yourself. Your problem is that you’re not truly alone. If you were truly alone, then I would understand your dilemma, but to say that every stranger piqued your curiosity, would be to dive into eons of lives that one life is just not capable of understanding. You need a friend who can spar with your metaphor, someone to fight, a challenge, a carnal fucking nature exposed for what it is. You are a beast of emotion, and you will need something much greater than a teapot to capture your fall. Each person fits a different niche, don’t be afraid to see your ideals embodied by multiple people. One person cannot be your savior, alone.


What of Christ? Some lean on his parables….




And so, he is just one person, one savior----


He had disciples to call friends. Even god needed a witness. 12 close friends who would die for you, breathe for you, love you, and wish you well throughout your journey.


It feels like I’ve had to be the main person in my journey, mainly. Well, that’s not true actually. Actually I’ve had a lot of help in the form of beautiful people that have entered my life. I think my problem is that I want everyone to be….


Roger hesitates


I understand Roger. You don’t need to explain everything.


Just hold me.


Heather comforts Roger in only ways she knows.









Tammy’s dialogue-----



What it means to decide on something as simple as who I am?


Was there ever a choice in my given name?


So I changed it?


I regained my choice, at what to do, simply, with who I am, as this tattoo embraces my every choice to regain myself. This utter attachment to the thing I call my own.



Tammy’s Love for Vincent Margot:


I fell in love with a bitch named Vincent Margot. She was a wild card and liked to giggle all the time while sipping her daiquiris. Why was the girl so wild? I wondered what it was about her ways and I began to whisper to myself the insanities of a cold cheek turned red from blushing at the circular inward march toward her very sweet kiss. That bitch was wild. But I had just met her, and it was perhaps just a fantasy all in my head. Was she really acting in a manner of wilderness or was this feigned submission in the form of maternal power hungry for a full fledged carnal delight in high frequency and moaning. She may have been insane at the time of her arrival in my eyes, but I was inches from holding the blossoms too late as I skipped away from the fickle and fancy, solemnly awake at my own lack of true connection to her waves. But her curves, and those mounds of nutrition, were of all the memories woven into the beauty of remembrance- like that perfect smell she left, like hell on a polished bottle of my own. We just kept drinking…. And I never left her stare. It was wild. Atopt the roof, like rotten fucking gems made of fruit, we smelled like the filth of love itself, tossed into the slowest after rythms down my skin, I have ever felt, in all of my memories and even in good health. She, Vincent the Margot of trolley ridden smiles and momentary goodbyes, was always inches from the back of my mind.


And so.


Our faces fell into each other and we became a beacon of who cares and what ifs come true, fully fruited and necessary for love to occur as the droplet of forgetful bliss, mistaken for reality, when in fact the fantasy is all we ever felt. Only in passing did I ever feel so in love, with Vincent Margot, the girl from the park who drank daiquiris in the dark. Did I forget everything, when we said goodbye that night?