Phase Four
You wait patiently...
Proclaiming what you have discovered in this reality, you wait by the sea to ponder if any of your dreams were ever worth living. You have high hopes that someone will soon answer, someone to share yourself with. However, there is only your own voice, a delusional echo to keep you company. As you listen, desperate for even the faintest of whispers, you begin to feel the pain and suffering that you thought you had left behind long ago. You desperately search what remains of this desolate world. All you want is for someone to wake from their slumber, someone to share the beauty of the truth you hold inside, someone else who knows the answer to life's riddle, but it is hopeless. The wait becomes dreary. You grow old. You begin to lose the very faith you had in humanity, and you begin to make your way out of this theatric screen.