You are human. You are love itself.


Vaccines  (with expletives to mix logos with pathos, and I can record myself if you need the ethos). 

Starting with my Micronesian culture which respects the earth and its many remedies in their raw abundance, unadulterated, and free of man’s arrogant will to change them from what they already are, these traditional means of medicine are found to be much more basic and down to earth, although when examining American medicine, it becomes clear that healing has meant different things to different people, depending on who is healing. For Micronesians, the quality of healing depends on the quality of ingredients we can find on Earth, at their most basic forms, and perhaps in their most natural states. The Western Systems seek to bring healing, but with unnatural pacing and with ingredients compiled and constructed by the consciousness of man. Man’s conscious will toward healing has occurred ever since our first scab. We have been brought to a conscious awareness to protect the scab, but our own curiosities to quicken the healing process, has often left us itching and picking at what already has found the way to heal, given the resources your body has with its eternal power of renewal, or the thing that keeps us safe. Your body knows what healing is. It is most familiar with natural things, because we are human, and natural, and we drink water, expecting it to be pure from man’s know-it-all will.

Western civilization sure does seem to claim to know it all, especially when it comes to raping other thoughts and structures of heatlh that people have used for hundreds of years before ever needing the “cure”. Western civilization has brought the Yang (in the Yin-Yang dichotomy of things), inserting a wanted dominance of entitled doctors who know better than the people they are surrounded by. In fact, if you actually asked me if I think I could kick the virus’s ass, I would simply say yes. And if my strength of overcoming a virus is not needing of a vaccine, then why would anyone feel the need to enforce their will on another person’s ingestion of what goes into their body. When you force, coerce, and insentive health, while not even obeying the common laws of what mental, spirtual, phsycial, and emotional hoslitic heatlh even mean at its core of being free, it can feel bad. Freedom. Freedom is feeling happy that yu can kick a virus’s butt and live the next day happy knowing that there is a possiblity that you will be able to walk outside and breathe. Healing through breathing and community has instead grown arrogant in proclaiming science over nature, the fast pace of industry over the relaxation of a slower pace, a Kawa flow that is most intimate with human healing. Do we look to constantly improve water? Does it need man’s manipulative genius??---Or can I just take the straight virus and drink the real water. In fact as humans, even the great gift of water has been bottled and commercialized, and plants have been capsulated and shoved down our throats without permission. 

What I mean to say plainly is that Micronesian medicine is as basic and raw as it gets, when looking at the spiritual, communal, psychological, emotional, and all other facets of health that go beyond biology.

Western medicine does a very neat job of defining medicine as scientific, technological, and advanced, when in fact it is these human advancements in manipulation of microscopic chemicals and proteins, that we find ourselves ingesting the most unnatural and most invasive forms of medicine, thinking we can go beyond what nature has already provided. One example of human foolery being the construction of new elements that man was able to create using isotope and nuclear technology, which in fact is harmful as radiation to the human body. 

We make things and cures and vaccines, and such, and such with the idea that we can outdo our own historic and ancestral survival mechanism. I’m not saying you don’t bandage the wound. I’m simply saying the Flu has killed people, like cancer killed my mom. Picture a silly scenario where I wasn’t able to see her on her last breaths of life because of some anti-community fear of pain, and death. I do not fear pain and death, so much as I fear isolation. This virus should not be grounds for segregation and further isolation. What are we really telling people about health, when we deny them our presence? 

Now one might say that it was only by the human endeavor of creation that its people were able to build and manipulate trees into homes, forests into farms, and animals into energy sources, to put “eating” lightly. We think about and pray before our meals, and we give thanks to life as nourishment, and while some of us think for hours upon end about what they are digesting, others simply ingest the food for profit, upon their own survival, disregarding the connection to a shared unity, a shared ecosystem that harnesses balance, love, and understanding that we can let god heal. Replace the term god with (unknown), and admit you probably don’t have a clue why you were able to survive, but somehow faith kept you. 

I don’t blame those who fear the sick or the unvacinated, because fear is an illness like schizphrenia, that western society attempted cure against my own free will, forcing me on medications before I even knew what was going on. 

If you want to have an educational about what the vaccine does and how it follows basic principles of simplicity, then please go beyond describing the T-Cell Targetter proteins and phagocytes that then “eat/dissmantle” the virus once it is identified. I get that you guys want a boost in confidence in fighting the real thing, but I think they propped the real thing as far more dangerous than it actually is. Granted death is real. People have died. And again, I have a dead mom who lives on, but my point is, to fear death, is to give up on any of the life that mama might be lookin on. By knowing what theoretical vaccination does----it is a look-a-like so that when your body fights the real thing, you won’t get sick, we feel safe. Only thing is, this look-a-like is actually causing people more stress when the forces that be hover over us, like we’re ape-shit crazy when we just want to go the MORE natural routes, and to be given a choice. 

P.S. I am Vax’d